15 Mechanic Street, Alstead, NH 03602
Office (603) 835-6277
Fax (603) 835-5546
15 Mechanic Street, Alstead, NH 03602
Office (603) 835-6277
Fax (603) 835-5546
Welcome to the Alstead Police Department official webpage. We are staffed by one full-time officer, a full-time chief, a part-time officer and a part-time administrative assistant. We are a dedicated group of professionals who are here to assist our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office and someone will return your call as soon as possible.
Chief Stephen Murrell
Chief Stephen Murrell Badge #11
Chief Murrell worked with the NJ State Park Service prior to becoming a full-time police officer for the Andover Township Police Department in NJ in 1999. In 2010 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. In addition, he holds a BS in Criminal Justice from Felician College in NJ. Murrell moved to NH in 2014 and became the Director of Campus Safety for Landmark College in Putney, VT, where he met his wife. In June of 2017, he became the Chief here
The Town of Alstead dog laws are dictated by State of New Hampshire RSA 466:31. The Alstead Police Department handles all animal related calls for service. We have the ability to enforce the States dog laws and often times issue fines for our worst offenders.
Millions of adults and children in the United States suffer from interpersonal violence each year. MCVP is committed to providing help and support to those in need, and to promoting prevention in our communities through education and outreach. You are not alone. Everyone deserves to feel safe.
The Town of Alstead is rural community located in Cheshire County, New Hampshire. The town is about 43 square miles and centrally located between Claremont and Keene, New Hampshire. The major routes that travel through our town are NH Highway Route 123 and 12A. The current population is about 2,000 residents.
15 Mechanic Street, Alstead, New Hampshire 03602, United States
Misty Gratacos, Office Administrator
PO Box 60
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (603) 835-2986
Fax: (603) 835-2178
Julie Bacon
PO Box 65
Alstead, NH 03602
Monday & Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday 1 p.m.- 7 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. and by appointment
Phone: (603) 835-2242
Fax: (603) 835-2178
We broke our 2022 record of 862 calls for service with 973 in 2023. Thankfully we had much fewer major tragedies in town compared with 2022. Our thoughts are with those who lost loved ones this year.
Our top calls for service (CFS) for 2023 are as follows:
Some of these calls for service take only a few minutes, but many of them take hours, days, weeks, or months to conclude, including some that require time in court. In addition to our 973 calls for service, our department also initiated 223 Motor Vehicle Stops.
The police department continues to be a supportive presence in town through our Office Administrator Penny Gendron, and Corporal Wendy Underwood’s yearly continued coordination of multiple Community Outreach programs. Some of these include the bi-annual Drug Takeback Day, Trunk or Treat (attended by approximately 150 children and their families), and the annual Christmas Tree Lighting (with all the accompanying activities).
The Alstead Police Department can provide many services to town residents. Among these are Fingerprinting, Car Seat Fitting/Evaluation, and Bicycle Helmet Fitting. We still have a few free bicycle helmets left. We can confidentially provide information to contact outside resources for mental health, welfare, domestic violence victim support and others. To take advantage of these and other services please call 603-835-6277.
To maintain our certifications and enhance our skills, we participated in multiple training sessions throughout the year. Penny, Wendy and I all were recertified in CPR/AED. Wendy and I did our mandatory training with Firearms, Use of Force, the “3x2s” (2 hours each of Implicit Bias, Ethics, De-escalation) and “Prioritizing Officer Mental Health Wellness”. In addition to the mandatory training, we both attended NH DOS “Fires and Wires” and MDT (Mobile Data Terminal) recertification. Wendy also participated in Mindspring Mental Health Alliance’s “Supporting People who can’t see their Mental Illness”, Granite State Children’s Alliance’s “Know and Tell”, National CJ Training Center’s “Drug Identification and Recognition-Depressants, Anti-Depressants and Inhalants” and “Strengthening Child Abuse and Exploitation Cases with Statement Evidence”, Cheshire County Attorney’s Office’s “Domestic Violence Training”, US DOJ’s “Strategies to Support Resilience and Healing”, and National Center for Rural Road Safety’s “What’s Speed Got to Do With It-Speed Awareness Initiatives”
Penny and I took CJIS Level 2 Security Awareness, NHMA “Right to Know for LE”, and NHSO Sex Offender Registration Training. Penny also attended Primex “Do’s and Don’ts of Employee Handbooks”.
I took a course on “Why are Cops Really Dying? Why are They Leaving?” I also attended several training sessions on the recently implemented New Hampshire Law Enforcement Accreditation Certification Program. There may be more information on that in the future. Along with the Ambulance and Fire Departments, I took part in Swift Water Awareness Training that we did right here in the Cold River adjacent to Millot Green! Through Primex, I took their Social Media Ethics Training. All three of us had refresher courses from Primex in Bloodborne Pathogens and Preventing Workplace Harassment.
In addition to attending many training sessions, I also participated in the Alstead School Faculty and Staff Active Shooter in-service training day. This was a joint effort with the NHSP, and all of our local emergency services which included Alstead Ambulance and Alstead Fire Departments. I was asked to speak at an Active Shooter Training and local case study at the First Student Bus Transportation Facility with our local school bus drivers.
A huge thank you to our Highway Department, Ambulance and Fire Departments, our mutual aid towns; Walpole and Marlow, and the NH State Police who cover Alstead when we are not on duty. In addition, I would like to thank our select board members who have continued to support our department goals for this past year.
After all the years of service here, the members of this department, past and present can never be thanked enough. This job would be completely impossible without the tireless efforts of our employees. THANK YOU to our amazing team: Office Administrator Penny Gendron, Corporal Wendy Underwood, and part-time Officer Jonah Merkle for all your hard work every year. Our town is fortunate to have you all working here!
As we get into this highly contentious political season let us try to remember that it is okay to disagree. Disagreement does not equate to hate. We can not agree, have differences of opinion, or not support the same candidates, but we can still be civil and treat each other with respect and tolerance. Please be kind.
Stephen D. Murrell
Chief of Police
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